Roxie, Geri & Andrea help Siobhan prepare for an audition. Find out who's amazing at sound effects, who's concerned about authenticity, and who Siobhan has surprisingly amazing chemistry with. And we couldn't have a show about Ladycops without a cameo from the originals - Nikki & Nora (Liz Vassey & Christina Cox.)
Up Next in 3Way- Season 1
3 Way: Friday Night Dykes
In this star-studded episode, pick-up lines, Exes, and 'Next-es' collide when Roxy, Andrea, and Geri hit a new girl bar and bring Siobhan along as bait.
3 Way: The Dinah Monologues
In the Series Finale, the girls head to Palm Springs for Dinah. Andrea lays down the rules for fun and frolic, but in the end, someone's heart is broken.
In the series finale, the girls head to Palm Springs for Dinah. Andrea lays down the rules for fun and frolic, but in the end, someone's hea...
3 Way: Psychodrama
Siobhan seeks out professional help to help get through her divorce drama...and meets a psychotherapist (Cathy DeBuono) who might need more help than she does.