You Can Live Forever

You Can Live Forever

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1992 — Jaime, 17 years old and growing up in Thunder Bay, loves sci-fi, The Cure, and getting high. And unbeknownst to anyone around her, she's gay. When her father dies and her mother suffers a breakdown, she's sent to the Saguenay region to live with her aunt and uncle, both members of the town's tight-knit, devoutly faithful Jehovah's Witness community.

You Can Live Forever
  • You Can Live Forever: Movie

    1992 — Jaime, 17 years old and growing up in Thunder Bay, loves sci-fi, The Cure, and getting high. And unbeknownst to anyone around her, she's gay. When her father dies and her mother suffers a breakdown, she's sent to the Saguenay region to live with her aunt and uncle, both members of the town...